
p.s. i miss you

i have reallllllly missed my little ellie and jack lately.

i love these two.  they were a big part of my life and hope they always are.

dear elles belles and jackie,

i miss when you were scared and wanted to sleep with me.
i miss sleeping with ellie and talking about boys.
i miss driving getting drenched in the jeep when we would off-road in puddles.
i miss almost getting ran over by a plane.
i miss duck tours with you in philadelphia.
i miss hanging out at the windsurfing dock with you.
i miss seeing you feel awkward when uncle johnny came over.
i miss our bike rides. 
i miss being scared to tube in the ocean with you.
i miss putting your sunscreen on.
i miss searching for mangos in puerto rico with you.
i miss playing in the shark tank with you.
i miss beach fires with you.
i miss getting our groove on at hay harbor dances.
i miss hanging out in jackson.
i miss golfing with you and me losing all of your golf balls.
i miss playing in the waves at the big club with you.
i miss winning sand castle night with you.
i miss tickling your backs.

i miss you. i love you.

1 love taps:

sam and kyrsten said...

these kids are so cute. are they the ones you nannyed for in ny? OOAH thanks for the advice by the way! everything sounds wonderful! if you think of anything else let me know! and you are WAY more than welcome to join us! :) i really dont know how long it will be... the only thing we must be back for is at the end of march for taryns new babys blessing! so maybe then? we shall see! i hope your well and school is goood!

You know you want to.

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