

we have been absent from the blogging world.
and i don't like it.
so things are about to change folks.

spence and i have been dreaming up the shoot for christmas cards.
and the other night we made it happen.
so here is a sneak peek.


5 love taps:

Taryn said...

so cute, molly!

Melissa said...

So freakin' cute!

sam and kyrsten said...

are you kidding me? so cute! and i wish i had your ankles!... i know a weird thing to say but I DO!

Gudrun Kristine said...

That's so cool! Did you use a tripod or did someone take it?
Hey, I have a Christmas present for you. DON'T YOU BUY ONE FOR ME!
I decided to buy you one when I found out about the fire.
So, we have to meet up before Christmas so I can give it to you.
Peace out.

Katie Adams {Blog} said...

You guys are so fun. We need to get together sometime. I wanted to leave a comment so you could check out my blog if you wanted. Have a Merry Chrsitmas!!

You know you want to.

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