
today was my turn to teach my mia-maid girls in my ward at church. 
i love them, oh, i love them. 
the lesson was on the purpose of life. paying particular attention to each individual's purpose in life
i learn a great deal in teaching and i suppose that is how it is intended to work. something that was 
included in the lesson plan that i love said, "there are things for each of you to do that no one else can do as well as you..... if you will let Him". let me repeat. there are certain things that only ______ (name goes here) can do that no one else can do as well as ______.
  i think that is pretty neat. 
the lesson focused on things that will bring guidance in our lives and help us find our purpose.

and now my favorite line of the lesson.....

"be influenced by that still, small voice"

so dang awesome.
encouraging. uplifting. 
i love sundays.

0 love taps:

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