
Exciting News.

I know, 2 blog post in one day, I need to take it easy. BUT I have really exciting news.

A couple of months ago I applied for Camp Rainbow Gold (an oncology camp) as a Counselor.
Camp Rainbow Gold is put on the by the American Cancer Society for children who have cancer and their families.  I didn't know if they would allow me to go because I will not be able to attend one of the mandatory days of camp training. The lady I talked to on the phone said she would ask the camp director but my chances were slim.  I practically begged her to let me come and to do all the sweet talking she could to the big man on campus.  After talking to a few different ladies (and telling each of them to put in a good word for me with the director, classy, I know).

Turns out. I got an email today saying I was in.

I CAN NOT WAIT for this experience.  I will be a camp counselor, teaching photography, and playing with the children.  Doesn't it sound heavenly, I think so.  

Remember to SIGN UP for the GIVEAWAY below.

1 love taps:

stephani said...

molly this makes my heart so happy! my little sister went to a summer camp when she was in remission and met a bunch of awesome friends and had such great counselors. you are so perfect for the job! congrats what exciting news!!

You know you want to.

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