Over here I have been contemplating life a lot lately. Thinking about what I have accomplished, what I am currently accomplishing, and future goals/dreams/decisions. I have thought greatly about each of these goals. Weighed their outcomes. Weighed their eternal importance. And ultimately weighed the challenges that will either deter me from reaching these goals or challenges that will strengthen me and help me grow. On a daily basis, I like to check out this web page. I have been following these ladies for over a year. They include the chief editor, Lara Casey, for Southern Brides Magazine, photographer/life coach Natalie Norton, photographer Gina Zeilder, and graphic design/letterpress owner Emily Ley. All INSPIRING ladies. I absolutely, 167% love this website. I have never left this site without feeling inspired to Make. Things. Happen. I was talking to my sister about goals today and was once again inspired. Fear too often sneaks its way in between my confidence and the ability to reach my goals. Natalie Norton gave me just courage I needed today. "Stand up, lean in, own your agency and make great things happen".
*My good friend had a baby shower recently and I was lucky enough to design her cards. I have been doing a lot of designing lately and have been loving every minute of it.
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