

I love taking pictures, especially when there are pretty people like these ones on the other end of the camera.

5 love taps:

sam and kyrsten said...

mole i love the pics! great chair too! i love it

Mickenzie said...

I love your pics how fun!!! You called me the other day but I don't think you meant too. I figured it had something to do with the demented phone lol!

sam and kyrsten said...

id love you in my suitcase! funny how life changes once your married. Its the best! You will have to tell me the best things to do while we are there!

Diana said...

Hey! Welcome to the blogging world! Congrats on the wedding, I heard it was beautiful! I hope you don't mind if I add you on my blog list!

Brynnly and Alan said...

You are a great photographers! I didn't know you had such a great talent. Love it!

You know you want to.

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