

Whoa it has felt like forever since I have posted on our blog.  I feel like I have been documenting our life everywhere else but here.  Journals and more journals, and instagram of course; however, I miss this.  So I vow to do better.  For me. 

Every fall I tell myself to not let the season pass without taking full advantage of its beauty, yet it seems like it does every year.  I love that this year, I have taken part of all things nostalgic regarding fall.  And I love that.  I love that I have had the time too.  Fall walks.  Apple pies.  Picking leaves.  Apple cider. New candles.  Dressing in sweaters and big socks.  It feels so nice to partake in this favorite season of mine and not be distracted by the deadlines of school.

Work has been going really good.  I feel like it gets better the more I learn.  Knowledge is slowly replacing fear.  I am still trying to get used to night shift but it will come and it is surely.  Its hard to know if I am really tired from pregnancy or the night shift.  I, too, have been taking a lot of pictures which is such a nice change from work.  It lets me use the other side of my brain.

My favorite thing this fall however, is knowing a little bean is growing in me.  Gosh we are so excited. I am 15 1/2 weeks and have had a fairly great pregnancy.  Other than some sickness, I feel dang lucky. (Sorry Hailey, I know it's quite the opposite for you).  It's so awesome being pregnant.  I feel like it has given me so much purpose and self worth and I have never been so content.  We are so thrilled to meet our bean and will find out this month what we are having.  

Update in a nutshell.  But I will be back.  Soon.  I'm holding myself to it. 

1 love taps:

Luke and Amy Aplington said...

That is so great! You two will have the most beautiful little ones! I am so excited for you please keep me posted!

You know you want to.

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:: BANNER ::