because i am reallll tired.
but my blog is feeling lonely,
and we needed to spend 20 minutes together.
yep, twenty minutes these days is pretty generous.
life has been pretty crazy around these parts.
i' i always say 'life is busy'
but it is.
i' i always say 'life is busy'
but it is.
between family, being sick, school, pictures, fire....
but i wouldn't change one of these.
well, maybe one :)
okay. not one.
it's been a really good learning experience for me after our house burned.
it has made me realize that i don't really need anything in my life other than my savior, the gospel, and relationships.
even though, i think i need stuff. i don't.
it's weird to think about when spencer called me and asked my to come home because 'a fire at the house'
he was ultra calm, as if it was a small fire.
nope. BIG fire. but he was still calm.
it was even weirder driving toward a cloud of smoke and knowing it was my house.
i didn't really want to go there. i just wanted to keep on driving and pretend it didn't happen.
pretend it was a dream.
but i went.
no spencer inside. no sleeping babies inside.
could've been worse.
blessing counted.
i'll tell you one perk.
i've never really like moving.
but when you have nothing to move,
but the clothes on your back.
it's kind of nice.
no bags to carry.
no boxes to fill.
no food to throw away.
that's freedom.
oh! and that 'distressed, antique' look people go for.
i know how it happens.
it might stink. but your house will for sure look 100 years old.
spencer even said, "our canvas looks cool distressed"
i'm not necessarily recommending this way of going about that.
but, just so you know. there were perks.
people have been oh so sweet.
it's very humbly.
my sister said.
maybe this is part of the lesson.
she said, "It's hard to let people help you,
It's so much easier to give, but I think they are equally important"
she's right.
trials are for learning.
i am so excited for thanksgiving break.
i have lots of crafts in mind.
and hopefully i'll have time to execute them.
so.. if you're bored.
whoever you are.
i always love company :)
i am off to utah to hit some thrift stores tomorrow.
and spend time with my beautiful hermanas.
R.I.P. Gladys. October 2010 - October 2010
You brought joy to our eyes.
Your life was short.
But it was sweet.
4 love taps:
you are incredible.
I think allowing ourselves to BE served is one of the most importnat lessons that come from a trial.
When you were talking about driving toward your house and wanting to just keep going it made me think of driving towards my parent's house where I knew my dad was inside dying. I was so scared to go inside. I just wanted my uncle to keep driving. But I did. And you are right, it was okay. Much more okay than I could ever have imagined. Not because my dad didn't die or your house didn't burn, but because Heavenly Father comforted us and helped us get through some of the most difficult moments we will ever face.
Just some thoughts....:) Thanks for sharing yours!
notice how i commented on that at 2 am. yeah i should have been sleeping too :)
We will just make this a family affair. I love your blog and I think you are so talented. This too will pass and you will learn more than you can imagine. Let those that love you help you and let those that you don't know help you too because they learn to love you by serving you. I am so glad that you named your bulb chadilier Gladys. It makes me glad!!! Hang in there. Your mom was at my house yesterday. I love her she makes me happy too.
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