
Florida. the longest post to date.

Our trip to Florida before Christmas was amazing. Explained here and yes Spencer was able to get me on a plane to come home. It was equally as hard to get him on one too. There are soo many pictures in this post but I just love to look back on these trips and I didn't want to leave one experience out. Although I did not take my camera to Disney World, the water park, or throughout town and the beach house; the beach was my favorite part and I got plenty of pictures there. This trip was substantial. And one of my favorite to date. We have been to Florida before and didn't know if it would measure up to Hawaii, Mexico, or Guatemala, but it turned out to be such a blast. And for the record or if you are wondering, there are a lot of girls in our family. Which translates to, we have a lot of closets and tend to share clothes frequently (including bathing suits). Enjoy. We sure did.

1 love taps:

Stephensen's said...

Can we go back? Now? Forever? Those are some pregnant boobies I am sportin!! I love the pic with Leni and Spencer sitting down... so sweet! She loves her funcle Pencer.

You know you want to.

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